Sharing God’s presence through friends
When I arrived at school, she had been there a couple of years already. Paula was progressing slowly through her classes, taking just a few every year. She had to. She was still weak. During her first semester, she had been diagnosed with cancer, and had had to have surgery. The operation had been successful, but extremely taxing; she needed to be very careful with her health. MORE ›
Sharing our faith stories
The Bible records countless times crowds gathered around Jesus, and times when individuals came to learn from him and to be healed by him. How did they know to show up? They didn’t read a post about Jesus that went viral on social media. Jesus didn’t have flyers up in the local coffeeshop. They likely showed up because someone they knew shared their story. MORE ›
Cafe group: Sharing God’s presence
Young women are sharing community, maybe dinner and discussing the faith-based topics that appear in every issue of Café. Each issue of Café features two articles with discussion questions and a closing prayer. You can download and print out the October 2017 issue, or follow along from the website if you have an Internet connection. MORE ›
Listen to our podcast
Every month we offer a podcast version of one of the articles. Listen to the latest episode here or get it from iTunes. MORE >
Café is a magazine for and with young adult women who want to build their faith.
Café incorporates a Lutheran perspective for young, adult women of Christian faith or simply for any woman who is interested in how faith relates to the issues that women face today. Readers and writers of Café include pastors, seminary and college students, and other young adult women who use Café as a Bible study resource individually or with their congregation. Pictured: The Young Women's Bible Study at Clemson University. They read and discuss Café articles once a week. Learn More
Cafe pop-up events
Readers share stories related to the monthly theme. See photos from our previous events.
Help Keep Café Free
This monthly publication and podcast is made possible through regular offerings donated by women from over 7,000 active Women of the ELCA units in congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
Past Issue Archives
Read our past issues.