Faith reflections: Tears and laughter
by Elyssa J. Salinas-Lazarski
I’m a planner. I like to look at my month, my week, my day in color-coded control. I have stickers to help me see my to-do lists and multiple pens to keep my thoughts organized. I even have more than one planner to help me keep everything in an orderly fashion. But one of my favorite parts of both my planners is the ability to reflect..
Boldcafe Groups:Waiting
by Elyssa Salinas-Lazarski
We are in Advent, a time of waiting, of watchfulness, of transition.
Boldcafe Podcast: Tears and laughter
by Elyssa Salinas-Lazarski
We talk about waiting and hope during Advent. But there is also a deep lament alongside that deep joy.
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Every month we offer a podcast version of one of the articles. Listen to the latest episode here or get it from iTunes. MORE
Join Boldcafe writers + friends for conversation and dinner, Thursday, January 7 @7 p.m.(CT)!
Once a month we will meet with some of our popular writers to talk about our favorite articles and more! Bring your own dinner (B.Y.O.D) and sign up via Zoom.
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Cafe pop-up events
Readers share stories related to the monthly theme. See photos from our previous events.

Help Keep Café Free
This monthly publication and podcast is made possible through regular offerings donated by women from over 7,000 active Women of the ELCA units in congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
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