Struggling to cope: Where is the church in times of infertility?
by Lindsay Mack
This article has received one of the highest number of readers in Cafe‘s history. What is your reaction to this article? Read more ›
Art as healing
by Sue Schneider
This article has received the second of the highest rate of readers. Is art part of your life? Does it bring healing to you? Read more ›
Sharing a cup of grace
by Jeanette Bidne
Have you experienced love and welcome over a cup (be it coffee, tea, cider, hot chocolate or Gatorade)? Read more ›
The gospel of waffles
by Lauren Heywood
A college student wanted to share her love of Jesus and waffles with others on her campus. Read more ›
Surprised at 42
by Joy McDonald Coltvet
A pastor learned that she was pregnant after trying for a decade. This article really struck a chord with readers of all ages. Read more ›
I’m sorry but I cannot apologize
by Angela T. Kahbeb
Do you think women apologize more than men? A young woman pastor shares her experience at a male-dominated congregation. Read more ›
Help Keep Café Free
This monthly publication and podcast is made possible through regular offerings donated by women from over 7,000 active Women of the ELCA units in congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).