Faith Reflections: Called to wait expectantly

Faith Reflections: Called to wait expectantly

by Emily Heitzman Every year at this time, as I turn on the TV or a Christmas music station, I am reminded of the many people who cannot relate to the majority of Christmas songs, TV shows and movies, which emphasize the importance of going home for the holidays.  I cannot help but think about […]

A God who shows up

A God who shows up

by Emily Heitzman I just don’t understand people who start playing Christmas music right after Halloween. I have friends who do, especially my former colleague who could not wait to get her hands on Mariah Carey’s “Merry Christmas” album the minute she took her costume off. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not a cranky […]

Faith reflections: Tears and laughter

Faith reflections: Tears and laughter

by Elyssa J. Salinas-Lazarski I’m a planner. I like to look at my month, my week, my day in color-coded control. I have stickers to help me see my to-do lists and multiple pens to keep my thoughts organized. I even have more than one planner to help me keep everything in an orderly fashion. […]



by Elyssa J. Salinas-Lazarski “The Hungry Caterpillar” is one of my 2-year-old’s favorite books. Throughout 12 pages, the caterpillar spends a week eating, growing, and learning before transforming into a beautiful butterfly. I read this with my daughter as we stay inside, awaiting our transformation from pandemic isolation back to a world with hugs, close […]

The Advent advantage: Why the four weeks of December matter

The Advent advantage: Why the four weeks of December matter

by Emily Carson   I was nearly oblivious to the season of Advent until I became seminary student. It was then that I took a class called Worship. During the weekly three-hour sessions, I learned about the significance of all the seasons and feast days of the church year: Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost, […]

Cafe podcast: An Advent devotional for campus or home

Cafe podcast: An Advent devotional for campus or home

A college student creates an Advent devotional to do each week in preparation of Christmas. Listen to the podcast here and on iTunes. You can read the article by Casey Parrett. Also in this issue, “Using and sharing your gifts for Advent” by Sharei Green and “Faith reflections: Called to wait expectantly” by Emily Heitzman. […]

Cafe podcast: An Advent devotional for campus or home

Preparing the way, an Advent devotional

by Casey Parrett The season of Advent and the secular season of “the holidays” can be both extremely joyful and deeply sad for many people. The holiday season seems to bring up feelings of joy and love, loneliness and grief – and hope. Year after year, I am filled with childlike hope and eagerness for […]

Using and sharing our gifts for Advent

Using and sharing our gifts for Advent

by Sharei Green I’m that person. I love Christmas. Like really love Christmas. People have even compared me to Buddy from the movie “Elf.”   But beyond the lights, trees and music, my true excitement is for Advent, the time of expectant waiting before Christmas–the season of hope. During this time, I reflect on the […]

Cafe groups: An Advent call story

Cafe groups: An Advent call story

Do you want to meet with other young adult women and share community, maybe dinner and discuss the topics that appear in each issue of Café? Each issue of Café features two articles with discussion questions and a closing prayer. Print out the December 2014 issue, or follow along from the website if you have […]