Dec 9, 2023 | Advent, Faith Reflections
by Josh Kestner I’m holding on for as long as I can before I buy new tires. My tires are just old. My rear passenger-side tire is slowly leaking air. Every week or so, I have to fill up the tire to get it back to its baseline pressure. It’s cumbersome, but it’s easier (and […]
Dec 6, 2023 | Advent
by Joshua Kestner When was the last time you stayed up too late listening for Santa to come down the chimney? Or you were working on a project or studying for a test. Maybe you were waiting for the release of a new album or a new episode of your favorite show. You were sitting […]
Dec 7, 2022 | Advent
by Jen Collins “Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped; then the lame shall leap like a deer, and the tongue of the speechless sing for joy. For waters shall break forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert; the burning sand shall become a […]
Dec 7, 2022 | Advent, Faith Reflections
by Jen Collins What’s your word? Mine is OVERWHELMED. Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God. (Isaiah 40:1) As I spend time with people in various communities the number one word that I’ve heard over these last couple of months is “OVERWHELMED.” I imagine people everywhere are striving to navigate all the ways we […]
Dec 4, 2021 | Advent, Faith Reflections
by Emily Heitzman Every year at this time, as I turn on the TV or a Christmas music station, I am reminded of the many people who cannot relate to the majority of Christmas songs, TV shows and movies, which emphasize the importance of going home for the holidays. I cannot help but think about […]
Dec 3, 2021 | Advent, Podcast
Dec 1, 2021 | Advent
by Emily Heitzman I just don’t understand people who start playing Christmas music right after Halloween. I have friends who do, especially my former colleague who could not wait to get her hands on Mariah Carey’s “Merry Christmas” album the minute she took her costume off. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not a cranky […]
Dec 10, 2020 | Advent, Podcast
Dec 4, 2020 | Advent, Cafe Groups
Advent talks about waiting and hope. But there is also a deep lament alongside that deep joy.
Dec 3, 2020 | Advent, Faith Reflections
by Elyssa J. Salinas-Lazarski I’m a planner. I like to look at my month, my week, my day in color-coded control. I have stickers to help me see my to-do lists and multiple pens to keep my thoughts organized. I even have more than one planner to help me keep everything in an orderly fashion. […]