Risky transformation

Risky transformation

by Angela T. Khabeb A new calendar year often brings a fresh perspective with promises of a clean slate. We remember the past year and take inventory of successes and failures. We also look ahead with hope and anticipation of what will be. New Year’s resolutions abound. Our promises create a lovely tapestry. We vow […]

Faith reflections: Healing after brokenness

Faith reflections: Healing after brokenness

by AmyJo Mattheis Sin is the source of our wounds, and forgiveness is the balm that heals. As a Christian raised in the Lutheran tradition, I believe that our baptism is at the center of how we interact with the violence and brokenness of sin. Baptism changes the way we see the world because baptism […]

Do I check the Lutheran box?

Do I check the Lutheran box?

by Becca Ehrlich I grew up in an interfaith household. My Mom is Roman Catholic; my Dad is Jewish. Though neither of my parents were particularly active in their faith traditions, we celebrated both Hanukkah and Christmas, a tradition I continue to do every holiday season. I was confirmed and welcomed into the church as […]

Starting over where you are now

Starting over where you are now

by Meredith Harber “But still the clever north wind was not satisfied. It spoke to Vianne of towns yet to be visited, friends in need yet to be discovered, battles yet to be fought. . .” One of my favorite movies is Chocolat with Juliette Binoche and Johnny Depp. Not only is it about chocolate, […]

Love becomes our story

Love becomes our story

Content warning: Suicide is mentioned in this issue. If you or someone you know is in crisis or at risk for Suicide, call or text 988 or chat online at 988lifeline.org. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, […]

No greater love than friendship

No greater love than friendship

by Amy Waelchli “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. (John 15: 12-13 NRSVUE) I’m a self-proclaimed “Word Nerd.” I sometimes struggled with deadlines in my seminary studies of Biblical Hebrew and Greek, because […]

Retreat where you are

Retreat where you are

by Kimberly Knowle-Zeller Are you looking to carve out some time for yourself? Are you looking to connect with your faith? Are you looking to deepen your sense of the sacred in our midst? Come and retreat. This one-day retreat is designed for you. And the gift of this retreat is that you can take […]

A mother’s wisdom 

A mother’s wisdom 

The Rev. Ralen M. Robinson  “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” (Proverbs 31:26) Her arms are outstretched, always ready to embrace me from the harsh world. Her mouth is upturned in a smile, greeting me. Her voice flows out, blanketing me with love, and her presence shields […]

The Poem That Prays 

The Poem That Prays 

by Sarah Carson For as long as I can remember, there have been two places I’ve turned when things get challenging: 1) to my faith, 2) to poetry. As someone who grew up in church, I’ve learned prayer can be powerful when I have questions, doubts, and even anger. It can be a way to […]

Easter joy

Easter joy

by Ralen M. Robinson They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in, they did not find the body. (Luke 24:2-3) When my sister and I were little, we eagerly looked forward to spring–and Easter. Easter Sunday meant fluffy dresses, frilly white ankle socks, colored barrettes and shiny little white […]