God works through us

God works through us

by Amy Waelchli One night, I quietly struggled to make it all fit in the small cupboard. On my hands and knees, matching each lid with the corresponding container, I marveled at the amount of reusable plastic butter containers, etc. I saved. Arranging them to be organized and accessible, I huffed and puffed my way […]

I Choose Happiness

I Choose Happiness

by Karris Golden A well-lived life includes difficult times. Each of us could make lists of horrible things we have endured. But I’m mad at myself when I give in to self-pity. Even in the worst times, I still have a lot of reasons to be happy. And I have learned that nothing productive comes […]

Sabbath for this year and beyond

Sabbath for this year and beyond

by Dr. Crystal L. Hall Here’s how you know this article is for you: You’re telling yourself that if you read your emails but don’t respond to them on your day off, you’re not “really working.” You tell yourself that if you take your vacation, you’ll be behind when you return, and it won’t have […]

Recipes for renewal

Recipes for renewal

by Melissa Woeppel I live in Lindsborg, Kan., a small city of just under 4,000 people. The city is affectionately known to many as “Little Sweden, USA.” In the late 1800s, Lindsborg was settled by immigrants from Sweden, a history and heritage that continues today. Each year, the city hosts a Midsummer’s Festival in June, […]

Living our stories

Living our stories

by Sarah Carson It all started as any typical day does in my household. I woke up around 5 a.m. and made myself a pot of coffee. I spent some time in the living room reading and writing (on this day: Thomas Lynch’s wonderful book of new and selected poems, Bone Rosary, which I highly […]

Litany of Freedom: Juneteenth Colorful Family

Litany of Freedom: Juneteenth Colorful Family

by: Ralen M. Robinson The hymnist sings with a raspy timber, “Oh, freedom, Oh, freedom Oh freedom over me And before I’d be a slave I’d be buried in my grave And go home to my Lord and be free Oh, freedom” These soulful words reverberated throughout the civil rights movement and through generations as […]

Learning to see God’s beloved

Learning to see God’s beloved

by Mary Button Lately I’ve been meditating on 1 Corinthians 13:12, “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known.” This verse comes at the end of one of the […]

Names that change

Names that change

by Jeanette Bidne Jeanette June Bidne. That has been my name since birth. Yet, after marriage I was repeatedly asked, “So, what was your maiden name?” I smile and repeat the exact words, Jeanette June Bidne. My name hasn’t changed. Sometimes I wonder if people have assumptions about me when I share those exact words […]

Feeling our feelings as spiritual practice

Feeling our feelings as spiritual practice

by Collette Broady Grund Over the last year, I have spent a lot of time with groups and individuals who are processing grief. It’s an unfolding vocation as I continue to process and integrate the sudden death of my husband in June 2019. Sharing what I have learned and opening space for others to do […]

Here, I Stand 

Here, I Stand 

by Ralen M. Robinson “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” -Galatians 3:28 The words begin to flow, but before my tongue can caress the vowel and my mouth can shape the word, I am spoken over from […]