Are you looking to add another group to your already active Women of the ELCA unit in your congregation? Café groups are one way that young adult women have created community within their congregation. Women (and men) in Café groups meet to discuss the topics in every monthly issue of Café, ( and/or hold a Bible Study or discussion with questions. These groups may meet at cafés, at someone’s home or other locations outside a congregation. Café groups also meet socially and engage in advocacy.

Become part of something bigger
Café groups can be an entry point for Lutheran women in their 20s and 30s+ to engage more fully in relationship with more active Women of the ELCA units that exist in over 7,000 congregations of the ELCA. Women’s groups who participate as active “units” support the organization financially. These units send offerings, or donations, that support resources and programs. Learn more about Women of the ELCA.

The Café magazine ( and the podcast are possible because of the financial offerings that are sent by active Women of the ELCA units. Since Café pays for original content, over $5,000 a year goes directly to writers who are mostly young adult women in ministry.

Café groups are not meant to replace Women of the ELCA units, but rather an opportunity for younger women, and women not affiliated with Women of the ELCA or “WELCA” to begin to learn more about the organization.

Its easy to start a group

Arrange a kick-off
Invite women from your congregation or in the community to meet for an initial kick-off gathering. Your group can discuss ways that your group can meet.

Get to know the other women in your congregation
Before or after your meeting, get to know the active Women of the ELCA in your congregation if there is a group. You might have to inquire with the pastor to make sure you include new members and to put you in touch with a Women of the ELCA contact in your congregation. Contact Elizabeth McBride to see if there is an active Women of the ELCA group at your church. You can also seek out the synod office closest to you to locate a synodical women’s organization.

Meet for wine, dinner, etc.
You can meet to talk about Café issues, go out to dinner, etc.

You can make a difference
You can keep this resource for young adult women free and accessible by making a donation.

Keep in touch
Please let us know how your Café group is going! We constantly share what other Café groups are up to, and would love to feature your group!