by Casey Parrett
Dear daughter,
Peace be with you. Although this letter will likely find you feeling stressed and overwhelmed, my wish is that you will feel my love and peace. I know everything. I know exactly what you’re going through and I am right here with you. All of the quizzes, exams, the late night studying sessions, group projects, the nights you lie awake worrying, I am there.
You can lean on me; I will support you. You will make it through, but I want more for you. I want you to enjoy this time and thrive along the way.
In the Bible “Do not fear” appears multiple times. That is a reminder to you to trust in me. When life is uncertain, and you’re not sure what to do, talk to me. I will listen. I care about you, the things you do, and the decisions you make. When you are worried or stressed, when you feel overwhelmed, take a deep breath and talk to me about whatever is on your mind. Confide in me your concerns. I want the best for you.
I wish that you would treat yourself with more loving-kindness. My love for you is unconditional and never ending. I am pleased with the wonderful things you are and do, and I know about the ugly things you say and do, and I love you. I want you to see yourself the way I see you. The courageous, smart and loving person that you are.
You are enough. There is nothing you can do or not do that will separate you from my all-encompassing love for you. You are everything I created you to be and I will use you and your gifts.
Trust in me. I was with you in the dark valleys, and I rejoice with you in life’s joyful times, too. I am here for everything; you can count on me. I will never leave you or forsake you.
As you go through this semester, be aware of my presence. Do not despair. Do not lose hope. Do not be afraid. See my face in the people you meet, on the street, in your classroom or dorm room. Lean on me and I will give you everything you need. You are never alone. From your very first breath until now and throughout the rest of your life, I am with you. Peace be with you, my daughter. You are enough. You are precious to me, and you are loved.
Love, God
Discussion questions:
1. What are some activities you do that help you feel God’s presence? How can you incorporate these practices into daily life?
2. What are you most worried about right now and what can you and your faith community do to help relieve some of your worry?
3. What are some ways you can you treat yourself with more kindness and remind yourself that you are enough and loved?
Closing prayer:
Prince of Peace, Thank you for this time we shared together today. Thank you for being with us and loving us always. God you are Alpha and Omega. You know us completely, and you love us just the same. Be near to us in this busy time and help us to lean on you for support. God we know that through you all things are possible. Please give us the energy and the peace to do good work and glorify your name. In your Son’s name we pray, Amen.
Casey Parrett is a junior studying public relations and marketing at Virginia Tech. She is an active member of The Well Lutheran Campus Ministry there and enjoys planning activities and retreats for this group.
Photo used with permission.
Nicely done. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and gifts.