by Elizabeth McBride
2015 was a year that had positive events and heartbreaking ones. There was joy and celebration and grief and sadness. During 2015, Cafe, Women of the ELCA’s on-line magazine written mostly by young adult women, published 19 articles. Here are Cafe’s top 3 most-read articles in 2015. Do you have a favorite to add? To read more articles from the past year, click on the “archive” tab.
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I’m sorry but I cannot apologize
by Angela T. Khabeb
One pastor shares why she isn’t sorry that she stopped apologizing. What can we learn from her story?
Surprised at 42
by Joy McDonald Coltvet
A mom reveals about being pregnant for the first time, a decade after she and her husband planned.
Struggling to cope: Where is the church in times of infertility?
by Lindsay Mack
One young woman shares about her struggle with infertility and how sometimes going to church can be difficult.