Aug 30, 2023 | Faith Reflections, Monthly Topic
by Emily Carson Jesus consistently stepped into tense situations rather than tiptoeing around them. He didn’t avoid difficult interpersonal dynamics; he embraced them and recognized that tension is often a catalyst for transformation (of people and systems). Tension can be defined as the state of being stretched. We can experience it individually, and it also […]
Jan 1, 2022 | Vocation
by Angela T. Khabeb At some point in our lives we encounter a hobby, an interest, a cause that intrigues, inspires, or provokes us. Some passions are sparked from within, while others swirl around us, inviting and enticing us to come closer and closer until we are captured. According to the dictionary, passion is “a […]
Apr 5, 2021 | Podcast, vocation
Mar 2, 2021 | Cafe Groups, vocation
March 2021 The uncertainty of in-between time by Becca Ehrlich These in-between times are a real part of our lives. Scholars have named this in-between time liminal space: a place of transition, waiting, and uncertainty. Read more. Learning from Genesis: Joseph and liminal space by Becca Ehrlich Like God called Joseph, God calls us all […]
Mar 1, 2021 | vocation, WELCA Campus
by Becca Ehrlich When I was an intern at a congregation, I took part in an annual tradition called Confirmation Camp. For one week in the summer, the local Lutheran conference would take over half of a Christian camp in the Adirondack Mountains. The students prepared for confirmation by learning, growing spiritually, and spending time […]
Sep 1, 2020 | Faith Reflections
How do you decide when standing up for something (or someone) is worth the risks involved? Can our faith help us out? Well, if our faith in Jesus lies at the core of our lives, then yes, our convictions should and will emerge as a result of that faith.
Jul 29, 2020 | Uncategorized
by Ralen Robinson The new school year is fast approaching. This time pre-COVID, we would be inundated with back to school commercials, sales for school supplies, pictures of children wearing their new clothes on the first day back. Yet, this school year looks different. New regulations and guidelines are being imposed. Options for online learning […]
Jun 22, 2020 | Advocacy
by Sunday Saari I walked down the street on the way to meet my friend for dinner and noticed a lovely summer sunset. It was a street I had walked down hundreds of times before. As I passed a church on the usually crowded street, I noticed three men tumble out of the bar up […]
Jul 9, 2018 | Cafe Groups
July 2018 Sacred spaces that require no words by Ralen M. Robinson A chaplain who walks alongside the grieving, shares what she’s learned about transition. Read more Faith reflections: We are claimed in the wilderness by Joy McDonald Coltvet Jesus is baptized and named the Beloved and then is immediately driven to the wilderness. Comforting […]
Apr 1, 2018 | Vocation
by Rebeckah Selnick We ask little children what they want to be when they grow up. Even when the answer is “a princess” or “a cowboy,” this innocent question can set a precedent for a lifetime. As students, we take aptitude tests. We choose course work to set a track to the future. We look […]