Aug 30, 2023 | Monthly Topic
by Emily Carson The room was silent for a long time before the first council member spoke up. “No one here seems to be getting along anymore. There’s so much gossip. Something needs to change.” There were many pauses that evening as church council members took turns digging deep and sharing openly. Rather than continuing […]
Nov 5, 2021 | Faith Reflections
by Emily Carson Fear is a very common theme in the Bible. In the Word of God, we are presented with all kinds of folks: the brilliant, the clueless, the average and everybody in between. There are people who live in constant fear without a chance of overcoming it. There are people who persevere despite […]
Oct 31, 2021 | Uncategorized
by Emily Carson As a women in her 30s who still sleeps with her closet light on, I am no stranger to fear. Of course, some fears are more rational than others, and my fear of the dark admittedly falls into the irrational category. Is a giant green closet monster really going to be deterred […]
Aug 10, 2021 | Cafe Groups
August 2021 The spirituality of tension by Emily Carson How can experiencing tension help us with transformation? Read more. Faith reflections: From tension to transformation by Emily Carson While many of us tend to walk in the opposite direction of tension, Jesus offers an alternative: walk toward it. Read more. How to use Café with […]