Jun 3, 2021 | Faith Reflections
by Jenna Pulkowski I have long struggled with my relationship with my body. It’s a relationship that on the best days is positive, on most days is apathetic and on the worst days is downright hateful. Scripture has a lot to say about bodies. From Genesis to Revelation, law and Gospel, prophets to Jesus, the […]
Jun 3, 2021 | Cafe Groups
June 2021 How do I love my body? by Jenna Pulkowski One pastor shares what she learned about evangelism and her faith after being diagnosed with an autoimmune condition. Read more Faith reflections: What the Bible say about body image by Jenna Pulkowski God tells us about our bodies in the person of Jesus Christ. […]
Jun 2, 2021 | Uncategorized
by Jenna Pulkowski I hate my body. I know I’m supposed to start this off with talking about how I’ve learned to love my body, and you can too. I know it’s not cool to admit that I hate my body. I also understand that hating my body accomplishes nothing for no one. Still, I […]
May 4, 2016 | Uncategorized
by Elyssa Salinas I’ve always hated running: the sweating, the backaches, the lungs-on-fire feeling. Every quarter in high school, we had to run the mile and I always dreaded it. All the cross-country kids would be done so quickly while the rest of us trudged around the track until the end of the period. […]
May 2, 2016 | Faith Reflections
by Amanda Zentz-Alo Created in God’s image, human beings are strong, creative and powerful. Our bodies are intricate and magnificent creations, filled with mystery and wonder. So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired […]
May 2, 2016 | Uncategorized
by Amanda Zentz-Alo I lay on my back on the cold concrete, legs asprawl, arms outstretched, laughing and gasping – both exhausted and exhilarated. When I sat up, the women with me pointed admiringly at the smear of sweat I had left on the concrete floor. I had just finished skating 27 laps around the […]
Feb 25, 2016 | Podcast
During Lent as we examine our relationship with God, let us remember that we are beloved. Listen to the podcast here and on iTunes. You can read the article by Emily Heitzman. Also in this issue, “Three things to add for Lent” by Laura Gentry. “A love letter from God to a college student” […]
Feb 12, 2014 | Podcast
Seminarian Elyssa Salinas who talks openly to young women about having body confidence discovers something about her own body image. Check out the latest podcast here and on iTunes. You can read the article here. Photo by net_efekt. Used with permission.
Feb 5, 2014 | Uncategorized
Elyssa J. Salinas All of my life I have been bigger than others around me. When I was young, I was taller than everyone and very proud of that fact. I was able to stand on the tallest riser in concerts and I enjoyed being at the front of the line when lining up […]