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Faith Reflections

Join us on our journey of faith as we explore, discuss and reflect on shared insights from our community. Scripture and reflections written by young women in ministry that relate to the main article are offered here.

Advent reflections on being overwhelmed

Advent reflections on being overwhelmed

by Jen Collins What’s your word? Mine is OVERWHELMED. Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God. (Isaiah 40:1) As I spend time with people in various communities the number one word that I’ve heard over these last couple of months is “OVERWHELMED.” I imagine people...

Faith reflections: The faithfulness of boundaries

Faith reflections: The faithfulness of boundaries

by Collette Broady Grund This past February was not the first time I’ve needed and tried to draw boundaries in my life, to carve out time for all the things that are important to me, to keep my personal and professional lives in balance. But this time was different,...

Spiritual abuse and leadership: A Biblical reflection

Spiritual abuse and leadership: A Biblical reflection

by Becca Ehrlich In this month’s issue, we learned what spiritual abuse is, and why it’s so damaging. We often overlook spiritual abuse because we either don’t know it exists, or think it’s not as “bad” as other forms of abuse. But all types of abuse are destructive...

Course corrections: The work of God in human failure

Course corrections: The work of God in human failure

by Collette Broady Grund Do you ever have those moments when you reflect on your life and think, “This is not where I thought I’d be!” I’ve been having a lot of those moments lately, and I have to say, God has been in them all. Earlier this year I was (I thought) a...

Faith reflections: Failure

Faith reflections: Failure

“Then I saw in the right hand of the one seated on the throne a scroll written on the inside and on the back, sealed with seven seals, and I saw a mighty angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?” And no one in heaven...

Faith reflections: Sharing a cup of grace

Faith reflections: Sharing a cup of grace

by Jeanette Bidne “Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. Whoever welcomes a prophet in the name of a prophet will receive a prophet's reward; and whoever welcomes a righteous person in the name of a righteous person...

A spiritual endeavor

A spiritual endeavor

In her famous book on creativity, The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron writes, “Creativity is a spiritual endeavor. This does not mean we have to subscribe to someone else’s view of God and the order of things … we will flourish more as we honor the spiritual side of our...

Faith Reflection: Rest and risk

Faith Reflection: Rest and risk

by Jennifer Hackbarth Once I was given a three-month sabbatical from my responsibilities as a pastor. Not many people have such a wonderful opportunity, so I was intentional about making the best use of this gift--this gift for which I was, and am, so grateful. I...

How are you?

How are you?

by Ralen Robinson  It's okay not to be okay. The other day I was in Trader Joes getting groceries when I ran into someone I knew. In our conversation, they asked, "How are you doing?" And I responded, "okay." Yet, that was far from the truth. I was stressed from work...

Theology and resistance to climate change

Theology and resistance to climate change

by LeeAnn Pomrenke Much of the “Creation care” teaching I have experienced (or led) up until this point has focused on loving the Earth and all that is in it because God made it. Creation is a gift, and we are to be stewards of it. That is most certainly true. While...